Through a broad spectrum of themes and approaches, 11 animated shorts from Japan, USA, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, France and Russia create a seamless and borderless world of imagination, in which love and friendship blossom.
Tsuneo Goda's stop motion animation Mogu and Perol portrays the sincere friendship between two main characters who have conflicting traits; Angela Steffen's well-known Patchwork series evolves around the patchwork animals who are always willing to lend their helping hands to each other; or the lost owl who finally finds his mother with the help of other strangers in the forest… A selection of short, simple yet inspiring stories.
Features interactive activities conducted in Cantonese
Approximate running time: 90
For further details, click here please
Image Credit: SCENES Media
Ticket: 70 HKD
Hong KongLecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum