Please note that this is an overdue event

Little Picasso Summer Camp: Paint Like a Master!

Little Picasso Summer Camp: Paint Like a Master!

What better way to enjoy summer than with a splash of paint and a dab of glue!


Children will unleash their creativity by immersing themselves into a variety of mediums such as clay, drawing, painting, printmaking, etc. 

They will be creating artworks inspired by a different artist each week. All chosen artists are known to be bold, playful and to personify child-like qualities such as: Pablo Picasso, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Karel Appel , Fernando Botero, Joan Miro, Markey Robinson, Dora Holzhandler and David Hockney!

Bold brushstrokes combined with slashes of wild colours and cropped bits of raw collages. Your child will be getting to know more about these famous artists while having fun and developing their own artistic styles!

Camp Schedule & Fees here


Credit: image of Little Picasso



Telephone number

+(852) 5220 7720



Hong Kong
Studio 6, 15th Floor Remex Centre 42 Wong Chuk Hang Road Wong Chuk Hang Hong Kong