Meet Kidnetic at Megabox! At Kidnetic, sports serve 3 purposes: Development, Recreation and Competition
Kidnetic believe that development through sports is crucial in early childhood which lays a strong foundation for their learning ability. Sensory integration and confidence are built under a fun & non-competitive environment.
Recreation is essential in promoting quality of life. It is the best platform for developing new friendship and encouraging social interaction between peers.
Competition provides opportunities for goal setting and self evaluation. Responsibilities and teamwork lead young generation to a success.
Credit: Image of Kidnetic
Fee: 100 HKD (refundable upon course enrollment)
Telephone number
+(852) 2153 1033
Hong Kong38 Wang Chiu Rd, Kowloon Bay
How to get there?
Get off at Kowloon Bay Station (Kwun Tong Line), then take the free shuttle bus or walk from exit A.
For further information click here please