Mylo Photography

Capturing the fondest memories, the most beautiful smiles, the most natural looks is what drives Mylo Photography


Mylo Photography came to a few realizations while taking snapshots of everyday life:

  • there is always 1 unsung hero: the person taking the pictures (who is never IN the picture);
  • people tend to live their life looking through a lens rather than in front of it and enjoying the moment;  
  • Hong Kong is a truly diverse and beautiful city making it the perfect stage for a great story.

This is how MyLO Photography was born. The mission is to help you be the hero of your story in this great city!

Services cover:

  • Family | Babies & Tods Photography - Family time is always precious and you should never miss a moment or milestone from your kid growing up.
  • Lifestyle | Events Photography - You and Hong Kong, short visit or living here, best memories are made in the streets, on location.
  • Corporate Photography - To make a first impression that counts, to maximize your professional social media outreach.

Contact to schedule a photo session or to learn more about services are provided.


Image Credit: Mylo Photography


+(852) 9857 2629



Hong Kong