Newton Show

Newtonshow is the most established science camp in Singapore comes to Hong Kong. 


The main value of the company are kids, who comes to visit the camp, that’s why the main statements are:

  • Leaning in a fun way, to make kids motivated in science, show them that it’s cool to be smart.
  • Provide kids-friendly facilities with high sanitary level. Camp held only in our permanent venues, so you can be sure that nobody will use same place before or after the camp, what can guarantee sanitary level.
  • Provide healthy lunch and snacks every day, help to develop healthy eating behaviour.
  • Provide all additional help for parents, like every day video to understand what child did in the camp or door to door school bus to bring your child to the camp and back.

Newtonshow’s main goal is to populace science among young kids (from 3 to 12 y.o.), give them skills and knowledge, they can use during whole life.


Images Credit: Newton Show




Hong Kong
382 Lockhart Rd, Hong Kong