OWN Academy

OWN Academy

OWN Academy is an alternative education solution for the 21st Century.

With a focus on life skills, connected learning and career life planning of students, OWN Academy believes that true potentials are unlocked when students begin on a journey to wonder and start identifying their directions in life.

Assisting students to find their vigor, OWN Academy encourages self-discovery and life exploration through two OWN mechanisms: OWN Future and OWN Now. Partnering with only high-quality industry leaders and offline educational providers, OWN Academy offers the most customized and unique learning experiences.

OWN Philosophy

OWN is about celebrating the superheroes inside each of us. Instilling a culture of diversity, individuality, and curiosity, with the inspiration of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence theory, OWN Academy believes in promoting the discovery of “How” we are smart. Nature and Nurture both play important roles in personal development. But thye believe that the most important catalyst to realizing potential originates from the individual, from an independent understanding of the context of the unique talent. 


Image Credit: OWN Academy


+(852) 2850 4207



Hong Kong