Please note that this is an overdue event

Minimindfuls (8-12 years old)

Minimindfuls (8-12 years old)

Join this fun-filled course that explores slowing down and finding calm through the use of all of our senses!


Each day explores a different sense through a unique set of activities. Children will learn to calm their bodies and their minds, extending their abilities to concentrate and focus. Traditional mindfulness techniques and some powerful but fun neuroscience in a child-friendly manner are core elements.

Children will have the opportunity to develop a sense of their own stressors in life and expand their toolkit for managing these. This is a great way to be prepared for academic engagement and to expand their knowledge and skill-set. Children will be exposed to natural items to touch, smell and taste during this course, please advise of any allergies or intolerances in advance.

This course will be run over eight (8) one-hour sessions this term. Monday September 17th to November 12th (excluding 15th October) 4pm to 5pm.

Get Ticket


Image Credit: Psynamo Group




8 sessions course: 3500 HKD

Telephone number

+(852) 2789 9907



Hong Kong
Suite 1201, Car Po Commercial Bulding, 18-20 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong