Dates Unveiled for an Open Day at Island West Campus of Malvern College Pre-School HK

Published 17 October 2020 at 17:47

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Dates Unveiled for an Open Day at Island West Campus of Malvern College Pre-School HK

During lockdown, on-site open days were replaced with virtual open events. Yet the opportunity to visit a school yourself and see an environment first-hand is invaluable. So too does Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong understand that choosing your pre-school is an important step and that families are still keen to visit campuses to see the school in action. Less than two months after attracting hundreds of families to its September Virtual Open Day, Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong is preparing to throw open its doors once again, but this time in person. Of course, the wellbeing of those who choose to attend the Open Day is the school's top priority and the staff are holding limited visitor numbers at an allotted time to ensure the event is able to go ahead safely and as many facilities as possible are represented. And now Malvern has revealed the careful and considerate schedule and date for the forthcoming Open Day that will take place at their Island West Campus. Here, TickiKids takes a look at what one of the UK's most prestigious schools offers to prospective parents and students in Hong Kong.

Visitors to this event on Saturday 7 November 2020 at Malvern’s new campus, Island West, will have the chance to meet with staff, explore the campus and its modern facilities inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, and get a taste for life there. You will also be given first-hand details about their Educationally Harnessed Play Programme based on the UK’s Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.

The Open Day will be held in between 10am and 1.30pm. On the day, teaching staff and the Founding Principal Mrs Jacqueline McNalty will be on hand to talk about the subjects, Forest-Beach School programme and offer guidance to parents of the potential pupils. Mindful of the current restrictions around Covid-19, all visitors need to book a preferred time slot online before visiting. To help keep everyone safe and respect social distancing, there is one-way route around the campus, guiding you through seven themed areas while walking from activity to activity.

The whole programme has been designed to give parents and carers the chance to take part in seven tailored activities that cover Seven Areas of Learning of the British EYFS curriculum:

Sand-Pit Area. “Oliver’s Vegetables” – this activity connects to “Physical Development”. Children learn and practice gross and fine motor skills.

Library Area. “Run Wild – Story Sounds” – this activity connects to “Communication and Language” which focuses on language development as the foundation for literacy. At MCPS, enjoying language and the use of language for listening, understanding and speaking is fostered in both English and Mandarin.

Small World Area. “Growing Plants” – this activity connects to “Understanding the World”. Understanding the World is the EYFS science strand which focuses on the development of children’s understanding of their environment (both the natural and man-made world) and provides a foundation for historical, geographical, scientific and technological learning.

Maths Area. “Building a Nest” – this activity connects to “Mathematics”, covering the understanding of basic mathematical concepts and the foundation of numeracy. The emphasis is on the use and understanding of mathematical language as well as hands-on, practical activities like sorting, matching, ordering and counting.

Construction Area. “Making Animal Homes” – this activity connects to “Personal, Social and Emotional Development” and focuses on the child’s social skills, to feel confident and secure, to co-operate and to respond positively to others in a group beyond the family setting.

Pre-Nursery Area. “Sensory Clouds” – this activity connects to “Literacy”, where children learn how to link sounds and letters to lay the foundation for reading and writing.

Atelier. “Leaf Man Collage” – this activity connects to “Expressive Arts and Design”. This area focuses on the development of imagination and creativity through art, music, dance, stories and imaginative play.

The school uses natural materials and resources, linking all EYFS activities back to the Forest-Beach School programme.

To keep up to date with what’s happening on the day follow @MalvernPreschoolHK on Facebook.

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By Anna Khan

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