Please note that this is an overdue event

X’Mas Workshop

The year-end holidays give kids a possibility to have some rest from school studies and then learn something new with an added vim. And, it is high time to gain some experience in 21st-century skills:

  • doing experiments to test different flight effects. Disassemble the secrets of the plane's launch, and explore the inspiration of birds to human beings.
  • building by hand, and then cooperate with programming to experience the fun of learning Korean robot programming for the first time.

  • building by hand, and then cooperate with the robot built by the instructions of the program card to cultivate hand-eye coordination and computational thinking.

  • and much more

Join us to get 10% discount. Join 3 or more workshops, get extra $100 discount in total.


The students of I Can Co:De take part in various international programming and robotic science competitions and always succeed as the educational programs there are progressive and well-thought-out.


Image Credit: ICanCode




Per workshop: 288 HKD

Telephone number

+(852) 6192 2862



Hong Kong
Yau Ma Tei / North Point