Please note that this is an overdue event

Kinder Bounce Basketball Christmas Camp

Kinder Bounce Basketball Christmas Camp

Kinder Bounce is a fun basketball-based programme for young children!


Different games are used to improve hand-eye coordination and children learn how to catch, throw and dribble the ball. It’s a fun way to learn the basics of basketball while developing important motor skills and social skills like learning to take instructions and interacting with other children the same age.

Players all learn with one ball each, and coaches use appropriate sized mini-basketballs, hoops and lots of fun, colourful equipment—e.g. cones, bean bags, mats etc. The drills are designed to progress players as part of a planned programme, while they have fun and exercise. Kinder Bounce curriculum contains hundreds of age-appropriate basketball-based games and activities.

Programme teaches the following skills:

  • Basketball-specific skills - e.g. dribbling, stationary catching and throwing, moving, catching and throwing, shooting L&R hand, free throws, changing direction, bouncing left to right, games in pairs & threes etc. 
  • Motor skills - e.g. stretching, variations in movement, awareness, hand & foot control, rhythm & stepping, shuffling, balancing & stabilising, bouncing & rolling ball, stooping & bending etc. 
  • Social skills - e.g. greeting coach, following instructions, taking turns, sharing, teamwork, learning to win and lose, sportsmanship, English language use etc.

One parent/guardian is required to attend each class along with their child. In walking-2 and 2 year-old classes the parent will need to participate with their child (don’t worry - it’s easy!). In the classes for 3 year olds and over one parent/guardian should just be on hand in case the coach needs help.


  1. It is the parent’s responsibility to enroll their children in the correct age group.
  2. Make up classes are not permitted.
  3. Instructor: Sports Events - Conducted by Native English Speaking Coach


For 2 yrs old

  • 18 Dec - 22 Dec, 15.00 - 16.00 (5 sessions)
  • 27 Dec - 29 Dec, 15.00 - 16.003​ (3 sessions)

For 3-4 yrs old

  • 18 Dec - 22 Dec, 16.00 - 17.00 (5 sessions)
  • 27 Dec - 29 Dec, 16.00 - 17.003 (3 sessions)

Register here!


Credit: Image of Kinder Kicks




5 Day Camp: 950 HKD (APH Fee)
5 Day Camp: 1050 HKD (Standard Fee)
3 Day Camp: 570 HKD (APH Fee)
3 Day Camp: 630 HKD (Standard Fee)

Telephone number

+(852) 2385 9677



Hong Kong
3/F, 1 MacDonnell Road, Central, Hong Kong