This stellar animation marathon opens with the Gold prize-winning short MONSOON BLUE, which was widely praised by the judges. FRANKIE, which explores the relationship between an uncle and his nephew, is paired with FLECHE BOYS, a story about the passion and camaraderie of friendship. Musical LET'S PARTY TILL THE END offers a cheerful celebration, while the terrifying MONKEY ON MY BACK will surely scare audiences. INHERITANCE, YOU BUILD A HOME IN MY MIND and BAD BOY provide a glimpse into the bittersweet experience of growing up. The lighthearted 3.3 BAKERY and GRANDPA’S PARADISE bring joy to the audience, while 10 X 10 and ON A DARK STORMY NIGHT showcase a unique Hong Kong style of filmmaking. The dramatic FOLLOW THE LIGHT and CATFOOD will grip the audience with their atmospheres, and the hilarious FLOOR-ELF wraps up the program with laughter.
Director: Ellis Chan, Jay Wong, Welby Chung, Leecat Ho, Karson She, Crystal Tai, Simon Paluck, Allen Kai, Florence Lee, Sion Lau, Gloria Chan Ying Lee, Jami Hon, Jack Lau, Thomas Wei, Cherrie Chan, Mandy Ng, Leo Kwok, Keiip Ip
Duration: 114 mins
Category: TBC
Language: Cantonese (Chinese & English subtitles)
Telephone number
+852 2844 8988
Hong KongHong Kong