In 2024, as urban sports enter the Paris Olympics, the artistry of street skills is spotlighted on stage with Amsterdam-based ISH Dance Collective’s Elements of Freestyle.
Presented as part of Freespace’s fifth anniversary celebrations, Elements of Freestyle is a bold, high-energy spectacle that blends the tricks and physicality of breakdance, in-line skating, skateboarding, freestyle basketball, BMX and freerunning with the discipline of the theatre. Featuring an original musical score and live electronic and orchestral strings, it transforms the ecstasy and freedom of the street into an eye-opening and exquisitely choreographed form of urban dance.
Performed on a set that feels as alive as the performers, with landscapes of scaffolding and ramps dismantled and reconfigured before our eyes, the show is a swirling blend of adrenaline, artistry, powerful live music and the poetic brotherhood of the streets.
Elements of Freestyle is directed and choreographed by Marco Gerris, artistic director of ISH Dance Collective and ex-jury member of So You Think you Can Dance. The production features an acclaimed cast of ten performers – breakdancers, freerunners, skaters, a BMXer and a basketball freestyle juggler – along with live music performed on stage by cellist Annie Tangberg and violinist Vera van der Bie.
Image Credit: West Kowloon Cultural District
Telephone number
+(852) 2200 0217
Hong KongThe Box, Freespace, West Kowloon Cultural District