Please note that this is an overdue event

Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera: Romance of the Phoenix Tower

Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera: Romance of the Phoenix Tower

To celebrate the Xiqu Centre’s 5th anniversary, the renowned Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera presents an all-star performance of the popular production Romance of the Phoenix Tower.


A comic romance with an intricate plot full of twists and turns and mistaken identities, Romance of the Phoenix Tower features an eclectic score, exciting martial arts scenes and two chou (comic) characters. Adding to the intrigue, for this performance Ming Chee Sing’s acclaimed leading actors exchange roles – with wenwushen (male lead) Koi Ming-fai playing the part of Princess Hongluan and huadan (female lead) Ng May-ying playing General Yelu Junxiong. The celebratory production also includes performances by veteran actors Chan Hung-chu, Lui Hung-kwong, Chan Ka-ming, Lai Yiu-wai and Vong Seng-pan.


First performed in 1962 for the opening of the City Hall by Hong Kong legends Mak Bing-wing, Fung Wong Nui and Tam Lan-hing, Romance of the Phoenix Tower is an important production, well-loved by Hong Kong audiences.

Koi Ming-fai as Princess Hongluan
Ng May-ying as Yelu Junxiong
Chan Hung-chun as Mrs Shang
Lai Yiu-wai as Ni Sian
Chan Ka-ming as Ni Xiutian
Lui Hung-kwong as Shang Jingzhong
Vong Seng-pan as Shang Cunxiao


This programme is co-presented by the Xiqu Centre and Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera. Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera also performs The Dainty Gallant on 4 February 2024.


Image Credit: West Kowloon Cultural District




Fee from: 220 HKD (to $480, $400, $300)

Telephone number

+(852) 2200 0217



Hong Kong
Grand Theatre, Xiqu Centre