Tickikids Blog Hong Kong

Public Speaking? Nah… Just Tell a Story!

Published 20 October 2018 at 16:58

Public Speaking? Nah… Just Tell a Story!

I dedicate this article to my favourite age group – the youth of today. Much has been said and written about this topic and yet it remains an enigma to most of us when it really shouldn’t be. It should be as easy as it is for a 4-year-old to tell a story.

Recently I was invited to mentor a group of kids to improve their public speaking skills. These kids were going to present their project to a group of judges and the best idea was to win an award to fund their idea. I first asked them to tell me about their project. As they told me about why they chose the project, the passion, enthusiasm, and energy in their gestures and body language was apparent. Then I asked them to present their idea to me as they would to the judges.


Are You Burning Bridges With Your Child?

Published 19 September 2018 at 17:38

Are You Burning Bridges With Your Child?

“My 13-year-old daughter is just so unenthusiastic and passive for just about everything. I have to constantly remind her of small things like putting her shoes away to packing her bags. She is intelligent, but she needs to be reminded to do her homework and prepare for her assessments. When she does it, she does it well…but my pain is the reminders. I feel like a broken record player…you know one that keeps playing the same track again and again!! Arghhh!!! Other children her age are so active and self-motivated”, ranted my client. Fatigue and frustration were apparent in her voice, face and body language.

This is a story of not just one parent but of so many of us. As a Mom and Teen Coach, I have had the privilege of listening to both sides of the story on the same issues.


The best and most idyllic beaches in Hong Kong for the whole family

Published 07 August 2018 at 18:26

The best and most idyllic beaches in Hong Kong for the whole family

What is a dream holiday without the sea? Thousands of sun worshippers, beach lovers and children flock to Hong Kong's family-friendly seashores in August and September to soak up the sunshine and enjoy the last remnants of summer. Whether you are planning a family leisurely weekend or a city escape, discover TickiKids’ round-up of the best government-maintained beaches in Hong Kong for a great day out.


The Italian Market 2018: TickiKids review

Published 10 July 2018 at 20:58

The Italian Market 2018: TickiKids review

Cyberport Ocean View Court has once again thrown open its door to play host to the long-awaited 6th Summer Edition of the Italian Market 2018. The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao began its tremendous journey in cultural and business exchange, establishing in 2012 a common platform for the Italian business community based in Hong Kong and for native inhabitants. The Italian Market, a 2-day annual fair, has quickly acquired a good reputation as a rare and unique insight into authentic products from Italy.


Tabby McTat: TickiKids review

Published 06 July 2018 at 06:11

Tabby McTat: TickiKids review

ABA Productions, an international theatre production company and the host of KidsFest, is about to unveil its “Dear Zoo” show to the world in Hong Kong. During the wait for this keenly anticipated event, TickiKids has taken a closer look at "Tabby McTat", the sold-out show produced by the same production group.


Top 10 Summer Holiday Camps in Hong Kong for Children & Teens in 2018

Published 06 June 2018 at 18:11

Top 10 Summer Holiday Camps in Hong Kong for Children & Teens in 2018

Entertaining your children in Hong Kong can be a ticklish problem at the best of times, and it is even more complicated during holidays. TickiKids has put the thinking caps on and come up with a plenty of incredible ways to keep your kids busy, whatever the aptitude and their age. Getting away from the hustle and bustle of school life in Hong Kong during the summer holidays offers an opportunity to combine a hobby with a summer camp where it is possible to master new skills.


Hong Kong Super Mom Picking the Best Mother, Baby and Children Products for You

Published 16 April 2018 at 14:04

Hong Kong Super Mom Picking the Best Mother, Baby and Children Products for You

Madelaine Lambe, a Hong Kong mum and the founder of Picked by Poppins, shared with TickiKids her story of becoming a mumpreneur, her worries and ways of dealing with them, as well as some tips for mums, who are just starting a business of their own.


Hong Kong Forest Adventures: Test Patrol Visit

Published 12 April 2018 at 06:00

Hong Kong Forest Adventures: Test Patrol Visit

Hong Kong Forest Adventures offers families an incredible experience of immersing into free unstructured play in natural surroundings. Education and child personal development shouldn’t always be a teacher lead activity, because there’s no one else who knows and feels your children needs better, than kids themselves. Away from strict curriculum, from competitive approach to learning and from sticking to a boring schedule!

Our Test Patrol mom, Carley Chan, who is also a prolific blogger and an expert in kids’ events, visited one of the workshops with her family. Her personal acquaintance with Forest Adventures's approach to learning proves, that it’s a must-try for every Hong Kong kid!


Midsummer Night's Dream: Professional English Drama Performed by Children

Published 27 February 2018 at 16:38

Midsummer Night's Dream: Professional English Drama Performed by Children

Meet TickiKids' incredible partner and friend - Loretta Lam and her helpful blog 童你去玩 Go Go Go With Him! Awesome blogger, talanted author and mother of two kids, Loretta creates great videos and writes about popular places she's visited with her kids. This time Loretta shared her new family experience of visiting Midsummer Night's Dream by Faust International Youth Theater.


Ditch the Holiday Budget: 5 Ways You Can Make Money While Travelling

Published 25 January 2018 at 20:12

Ditch the Holiday Budget: 5 Ways You Can Make Money While Travelling

BankBazaar.sg has shared with TickiKids tips on how to make money while travelling. Yes, that's true: you can be earning instead of spending while having the time of your life. Check the options, you might find something that is just ideal for you!


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