Please note that this is an overdue event

Labour Tools for Husband

Labour Tools for Husband

In this natural active childbirth class, you will build your confidence and skills using various labour tools and techniques.


You and your partner will learn how to enjoy your birth in the following area:

  • Labour coping tools and techniques with Selendang, Birth Ball and other Birthing Tools
  • Troubleshooting for labour progress. Identify baby’s position, signs that require repositioning.
  • Provide space in the pelvis to assist the baby to rotate into an optimal labour and birth position
  • Various maternal labour and birth positions for an easier and more effective birth
  • Partner massage, acupressure points to enhance relaxation-promote body’s production of endorphins and oxytocin to speed up labour
  • Body alignment techniques to balance the muscles and ligaments in the pelvis as a quick fix in labour.

For more details please visit contact us at +65 6100 9863 / WhatsApp +65 9863 7867

If you are a first-time parent, consider training yourself and your baby for deep relaxation natural childbirth education with HypnoBirthing-The Mongan Method. The most effective and comfortable natural childbirth method to achieve a natural birth and be in control of your labour.


Image Credit: Birth Discovery


For parents


Admission for a couple: 200 SGD

Telephone number

+65 9863 7867



10 Winstedt Rd Block A #01-04, Singapore 227977

How to get there?

Nearest MRT station is Newton MRT or bus services No. 48, 66, 67, 170, 960