10 Phrases You Should Say To Your Kids More
Published 22 June 2024 at 18:37
Tickikids Blog Singapore > Parenting > 10 Phrases You Should Say To Your Kids More

Parents, never underestimate the power of words. It is one of the few tools we have to build a lasting relationship with our children, and a mighty one. Here, everything plays an essential role: what we say, how we say, and when we say it. Think back to your childhood and your interactions with loved ones. There are bound to be a few of their phrases that had a huge impact on you. And unfortunately for many, not all of these phrases had a positive meaning.
For me it’s “Keep on tracking” from my dad with the most sarcastic tone - I heard it whenever I made any mistake. And that’s what I hear in my head every time I make a mistake today. Thankfully, I can also hear “We are so lucky that you are our daughter, proud of you” in my mom’s voice.
Do you think that's not the case with your kids, and they won't remember what you told them (and sometimes what you didn't tell them, even though you could have)?
Unfortunately for us, parents, children are not born with instructions on communicating with them properly. So, we can either learn from our own mistakes or immediately arm ourselves with the right arsenal of phrases and strengthen our relationship with children in every conversation.
We have gathered a set of phrases that can help you on your way to strengthen your relationship with your little ones.
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Top-tenner of positive phrases to say to your child more often
1. Nothing
Surprise, surprise. Sometimes it is necessary to stay silent and actually listen to what your child has to say instead of interrupting them. Active listening is the most important skill and we advise all parents to master it.
2. "I love you."
Expressing love is fundamental. Saying "I love you" reassures your child of your unconditional love and provides a strong foundation for their sense of security. It’s a simple yet powerful way to show that you care deeply and are always there for them. The ultimate version of this phrase is “I love you because you are you” - and works best when kids make mistakes and worry about them a lot. And this leads us to the next phrase:
3. "It’s OK to make mistakes"
Emphasize that making mistakes is a natural part of learning and growing. This phrase helps kids understand that failure is not something to fear but a valuable opportunity for improvement and development.
4. "Listen to your body"
Parents usually keep track of everything that happens to their children. What did they eat, how long did they sleep, when they go to the bathroom etc. Thus, we explain to our children why they have a stomach ache or why they cannot fall asleep. However, self-regulation is an essential skill and kids have to learn it. That’s why asking them to listen to their body helps them to understand what’s going on, what are the reasons and consequences and how to respond to any issue appropriately.
5. "Thank you."
Teaching gratitude starts with modeling it. Saying "thank you" to your child, whether for a small chore or a kind gesture, fosters mutual respect and appreciation within the family.
6. "What do you think?"
Encourage critical thinking and decision-making skills by asking for their opinions. First, you show them that you value their opinion. And, children learn to express their thoughts.
Another great phrase in this theme is:
7. "How does that make you feel?"
Apart from expressing thoughts, children also need to learn to express their feelings. And you may be surprised with their answers (my kids often astonish me with their reactions). Sometimes, this phrase helps parents to restrain their negative reaction on certain accidents as they see that their children already feel bad about it.
8. "I believe in you."
You are your little one’s greatest supporter. And they need to hear is to gain a sense of self-belief. Show them that you are confident in their abilities. This encouragement can motivate them to take on challenges and pursue their goals with determination.
9. "I'm here for you."
Reassure your child that they are never alone in their struggles. Knowing that they have your unwavering support can provide comfort and courage during difficult times.
10. "It doesn’t need to be perfect"
Honestly speaking, adults should also hear this more often. Perfectionism acts like an enemy more often than as a helper on any occasion. Help your kids to be less nervous and not spend more time than a task deserves by asking them how much time is any task worth and to stop when they run out of the said time. Time is the only resource that we cannot return or get more so teach your kids to be more time-efficient and less anxious about perfection.
Incorporating these phrases into your daily interactions with your children can have a profound impact on their development and well-being. I’ve tried and tested these phrases on my kids and oh, my! I am thrilled with the results! And, we already make another set of positive phrases that parents should say to their children!