Tickikids Blog Singapore
Tickikids Blog Singapore > Parenting
Little Explorers, Big Discoveries: Why Children's Museums Matter
Published 27 September 2024 at 10:35

Children's museums are vibrant spaces where kids learn by engaging in hands-on play and discovery, in environments crafted specifically for their developmental needs. These museums embrace the diversity of the communities they serve, offering interactive and playful experiences that resonate with children from all backgrounds. TickiKids explores the unique role of children’s museums and the exciting experiences they offer for both kids and families.
ReadHow to Introduce Music to Kids: A Guide to Unlocking Their Potential
Published 11 September 2024 at 10:58

Music transcends boundaries, weaving together people of all ages, backgrounds, and cultures. Introducing children to music offers profound benefits for their growth and well-being. Teaching music goes beyond just passing on knowledge; it’s about sparking a lifelong love for melodies, rhythms, and harmonies! TickiKids explores how families can come together to enjoy the joys of music, helping kids flourish and develop into true music enthusiasts.
ReadTop 10 Cartoons to Boost Emotional Intelligence in Kids and Teens
Published 20 August 2024 at 09:11

In today’s fast-changing world, emotional intelligence is essential for happiness, success, and resilience. As parents, we work to develop this skill in ourselves and our children, ensuring they can navigate life’s challenges with confidence and harmony. TickiKids presents a digest of cartoons tailored to different age groups, highlighting those especially effective in teaching emotional lessons to kids and teens!
ReadHow to Make Your Child's First Theatre Visit Unforgettable
Published 24 July 2024 at 10:36

Theatre is a fantastic destination for family outings. Introducing children to the arts through live performances can ignite their imaginations and provide enjoyment for parents too. However, preparing kids for a first visit to a theatre, finding a suitable show can be challenging! Here’s TickiKids’ guide to help parents make informed choices!
Read10 Phrases You Should Say To Your Kids More
Published 22 June 2024 at 18:37

Parents, never underestimate the power of words. It is one of the few tools we have to build a lasting relationship with our children, and a mighty one. Here, everything plays an essential role: what we say, how we say, and when we say it. Think back to your childhood and your interactions with loved ones. There are bound to be a few of their phrases that had a huge impact on you. And unfortunately for many, not all of these phrases had a positive meaning.
ReadHow to Identify and Nurture Kids' Talents: Effective Strategies for Parents
Published 14 June 2024 at 10:51

Many people think talent is an inborn trait. However, talent is not entirely innate; it is nurtured and developed over time! TickiKids speculates on the vital role parents play in this developmental process.
ReadLittle Chefs, Big Benefits: The Importance of Cooking with Kids
Published 03 June 2024 at 10:35

Cooking together with children is not only a joyful experience and a way to build family bonds, but it also significantly enhances a child's cognitive development. When kids help in the kitchen, they learn essential life skills, responsibility, and independence. TickiKids will guide you on how to transform culinary activities into joyful moments!
ReadJourney to Dreamland: Bedtime Stories for Kids
Published 04 May 2024 at 10:50

In today's fast-paced world, finding time for reading, even for children, can be challenging. Amidst busy schedules, extracurricular activities, bedtime reading has become a cherished ritual—a tranquil oasis in the whirlwind of modern life. The rise of online stories has made this mode of reading more accessible. But is it comparable to reading print books? TickiKids will delve into this question and explore the importance and convenience of integrating online stories into children's nightly routines.