Please note that this is an overdue event

Super MMA with Camp Asia

Super MMA with Camp Asia

When you learn the art of MMA, your body co-ordination habitually progresses.


It teaches you to be disciplined in life. In this unique programme, each child will learn various Martial Arts such as Muay Thai, Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (NOGI) and Judo. The aim of this approach is to let the child experience different types of Martial Arts and allow them to discover which Martial Art they would excel in.

  • Sequenced drills.

To help the child remember the different techniques of programme. The drills will also allow the child to train on their own, as they are designed to improve balance and coordination.

  • Games

Certain games will be played to develop a variety of skills such as balance, reflexes, coordination, and the application of techniques learnt.

  • Interaction

The children will train in pairs up to practice the techniques and drills learnt earlier during the lesson. This set-up allows the children to experience each technique and the various ways in which they can work the techniques. While being paired up, children will be encouraged to motivate each other, thus giving them the opportunity to interact and get to know each other better. Each lesson will focus on reviewing previous techniques learnt, on top of the introduction and development of various techniques.

Register here


Image Credit: Camp Asia



Telephone number

+ 65 6593 3691



60 Anson Road #18-04 Mapletree Anson, Singapore 079914

How to get there?

MRT: 1 Woodleigh Lane (5 Min Walk)
Buses: #13, #107, #155, #853, #135