Please note that this is an overdue event

Scratch Beginner II Course for Kids (7 – 9) @Bukit Timah

Scratch Beginner II Course for Kids (7 – 9) @Bukit Timah

Expound on Beginner I and Stretch your Child’s Logical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills


This course is a follow up to the Coding for Kids Beginner I course. It is designed for Students who have either completed the Coding Lab Beginner I course or students who have learned basic Scratch elsewhere but do not have the prerequisite knowledge to attend Coding Lab Intermediate course.

At the end of the course, students feel empowered to create, design and develop computational media which they enjoy in their daily lives.

Most importantly, this programme strengthens their logical and problem solving skills which are useful in many aspects of life, be it immediately in their studies (e.g. Mathematics Problem Sums, Science, etc) or in the future.

Coding for Kids (Scratch:Beginner II) Course Outline

  • Quick Recap and Stories

Recap the key Scratch concepts and knowledge
Implementing Storyboards with Scratch

  • Games

Develop basic games

  • Key Game Features

Techniques to implement key game features (e.g. Scoring, levels, enemies)

  • Develop your own Project (Game/Story/Animation)

Hands on experience and application of techniques to develop own games, stories or animation

  • Project showcase

Continue on your project
Use the techniques you have learnt over the past 4 days
Show and tell

Who is this coding class for?

  • Children 8-12 years old
  • Completed Scratch Beginner I
  • Laptop provided (one per child)

Class Structure

  • Course Duration: Total 10 Hours
  • Number of lessons: 5
  • Hours per lesson: 2
  • Small Class Size: 8 students maximum




Fees: 395 SGD

Telephone number

+65 6977 9641

+65 8118 0113



264 Upper Bukit Timah Road #03-06, Singapore 588208