Please note that this is an overdue event

EducationUSA U.S. College Fair 2020

EducationUSA U.S. College Fair 2020

This is a great opportunity for any students who are interested in studying in the United States


At the fair, you will have the chance to collect information from and speak directly with admission representatives from universities who will be here to talk about their programs, scholarship opportunities, and what you need to do to study in the U.S. In addition to speaking with university admissions officers, there will be many other activities:

Student visa workshop facilitated by a U.S. Consular Officer
Study in the USA Seminar
U.S. university alumni panel with participants from top universities
Presentation on U.S. University Admission Interviews
Door prizes for the first 100 students, and so much more!!
Best of all, the fair is FREE to attend! Save time and register now.

Check in begins at 1:30 PM and the fair will officially open at 2:00 PM so don't be late!

Questions? Email


Image Credit: EducationUSA





EducationUSA Singapore Stamford American International School, 1 Woodleigh Lane, Singapore 357684