Coding, game development, robotics, and design for kids and teens!
At iD Tech, kids and teens of all skill levels discover coding, AI, machine learning, film, robotics, and game design, developing the in-demand skills needed to compete at top companies like Razer, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft (all have Singapore offices). NUS is ranked #1 in “Best Global Universities in Asia” by US News & World Report.
Learn AI. Code video games. Engineer robots. We teach the in-demand skills you just can't get in school.
Code a game or app, experiment with AI, explore data science, and discover the secrets of cyber security.
Game Dev
Create worlds, mod your favorite titles, design 3D levels, and learn the cycle of game production.
Bring robots to life with code, work with sensors and microcontrollers, and delve into autonomous driving.
Produce and stream videos, edit photos, create digital music, design 3D models, and kick-start your portfolio.
Image Credit: iD Tech
Singapore21 Lower Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 138607