Please note that this is an overdue event

STEM - Smart Racing Car Workshop for Pri 5 - Sec 1!

STEM - Smart Racing Car Workshop for Pri 5 - Sec 1!

STEM (an abbreviation for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is an initiative by bringing Applied Learning to schools.​


Through these hands-on activities, we seek to raise students’ aspirations in pursuing STEM careers by building a bridge between textbook knowledge and real-world applications. ​ Students will learn the fundamental concepts of STEM, which will help them to apply the knowledge and appreciate the impact of STEM in everyday life.

Through this workshop, students will cultivate essential 21st Century competencies of:

  • Communication
  • Creative & Critical Thinking
  • Co-operation & Participation
  • Inquiry & Research
  • Problem-solving​.

For P5 - Sec 1 only.

Smart Racing Car

Apart from being the driver of a car, we will be making a car which can either drive on its own or be controlled remotely.

With the micro:bit and motor car kit, we can hence make a robot car by coding the car to carry out different functions such as wireless control or obstacle avoidance.

Through making the Smart Racing Car as a STEM activity, students will learn about energy conversation, telecommunications and coding the micro:bit to incorporate wireless control system to the racing car.

Sign up for this workshop and receive the Smart Racing Car kit worth $150 delivered to your doorstep!

The workshop will be conducted online.

USE PROMOCODE TIKI10 to enjoy a 10% saving.

Register here


Image Credit: Marshall Cavendish Education




Registration Required: 120 SGD (excluding ticketing fees)

Telephone number

+65 6213 9300


