MIND Matters Education Centre (Woodlands)

MIND Matters Education Centre (Woodlands)

Primary and secondary education for children in Singapore


MIND Matters Education Centre was registered by the Ministry of Educaition in 2005. Inspired and managed by Mr Chong who has 15 years of experience in enrichment and tuition courses, this education centre offers various programs for primary and secondary school children.

MIND Matters Programs and Lessons

  • MIND Matters Education Centre provides tuition and enrichment courses in English and Chinese, Maths and Science that comprise preparatory, primary and secondary level.

  • The lessons are conducred in accordance with the latest syllabus of MOE. 

  • The duration of a lesson is 2 hours for primary adn secondary level and 1.5 hours for preparatory level.

  • MIND Matter is into the "Zero Homework" and "Fun and Interesting Learning Approach".


+65 6893 8908 (Office)
+65 9068 9522 (SMS)



900 South Woodlands Drive #05-01 Woodlands Civic Centre Singapore 730900

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