Please note that this is an overdue event

4-Week PSLE Chinese Picture Composition Intensive Programme

4-Week PSLE Chinese Picture Composition Intensive Programme

This 4-week intensive programme is based on our in-house 学汇乐 Picture Composition methodology.


Your child will be under the close guidance of our very experienced 学汇乐 teacher who will equip your child with unique techniques and tips for scoring maximum marks for the composition paper within the limited exam time. He/she will learn do in-depth question analysis and idea generation process to avoid common mistakes made by many students.

With a small-class setting, your child will be able to have a more personalised post-programme evaluation and individualised comments and advice from the teacher. This close coaching during lessons will ensure that your child can master the technique of writing a good composition.

Register here


Image Credit: Mind Stretcher




Price: 290.36 SGD

Telephone number

+65 6659 0500
+65 6659 0300



CityVibe @ Clementi 3151 C' Wealth Ave West #02-11/12 Singapore 129581