Musical Monkeys (Mother & Child)

Musical Monkeys – Early Childhood Music Education with high energy and lots of fun!


Musical education not only involves the child to the world's cultural heritage, but also generates its value attitude to the world, allows us to develop our kids harmoniously.
The impact of music on the emotional, creative, indisputable mental development of children. Music can cause the baby a flurry of emotions and experiences. Already in the first months of a child listening to the lulling sounds and melodic lullaby, lively reacts to dance music stops eyes an instrument that sounds.

Babies show musical ability very early.
Musical education is an integral part of education and child development.

Musical Monkeys also offers musical development for families who only expect for the child's birth.

There is no pre-recorded music! Only live music and singind with children!

Opening hours:

Thursdays, 11:15 am, Newborn
Thursdays, 12:15 pm, Newborn


Image Credit: Musical Monkeys


+65 6836 0063



163 Tanglin Road #03-11 Tanglin Mall, Singapore

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