Please note that this is an overdue event

NParks Concert Series

NParks Concert Series

Get ready for a night of unparalleled musical brilliance as Rockestra® presents its 22nd concert extravaganza, hosted by Justin Misson – the All-Star Edition! 


From chart-topping hits to platinum records, enjoy an exciting line up of songs from local bands Supersonic, 53A, Jive Talkin' Singapore and Jukuleles that will take you on a journey through the best of the 80s to today! 

But the stars aren't just on stage – they're in the audience too! Channel your favourite rock and pop icons for the night. Whether you're a Material Girl, a Purple Rain prince, or a Rocket Man, come dressed as your musical hero and be part of the spectacle.

See you there! 

Find out more


Image Credit: National Parks





Telephone number

1800-471 7300



Fort Canning Green