Please note that this is an overdue event

Prep-room: the hull and the rig

Prep-room: the hull and the rig

the hull and the rig is a prep-room display of boat models incepted in the 1970s that have travelled through different cultural institutions.


The artefactual presence of these boats recalls the contingency of their typology, and embodied maritime and riverine experiences as they encounter aspects of Charles Lim’s contemporary project that capture the motions of governance and capital maintaining the integrity of the state. The prep-room investigates these object biographies, and intimate stories around maritime cultures, island heritage and the macro and individual relationships to the seas.


Image Credit: NUS Museum





Telephone number

+65 6516 8817



University Cultural Centre, 50 Kent Ridge Crescent, National University of Singapore, Singapore 119279

How to get there?

1. Car/taxi: By Clementi Road, first entrance from the highway. The museum is right after UCC.

2. Kent Ridge MRT: Internal Shuttle Bus D2. 3. Clementi MRT: Svc 96. 4. Kent Ridge Terminal: Svc 151.