Please note that this is an overdue event

MoveiQ - Sparkling Joy Level 1 (Age 25-30 Months)

MoveiQ - Sparkling Joy Level 1 (Age 25-30 Months)

The Sparkling Joy programme is designed to give your child the opportunities to use his sensory and motor skills to perform the important activities in life


 At this stage, more activities are created to develop your child’s listening and understanding skills. Your child will be encouraged to play and enjoy learning through songs, dance, tele-matches, stories and more. He will also be exposed to a variety of literature and delightful poems that teaches wholesome life values.

Higher level balancing exercises are also introduced at this stage to prepare your child for future sports. To further develop your child’s tactile competence, he will be exposed to different methods to the creation of art through drawing, painting, crafts and printing – basically, anything that involves his sense of touch and cortical opposition skills.

As your preschooler loves to explore and discover new things, he will experience science, nature, and geography through our child-friendly and safe experiments. Learning happens anywhere, anytime!

Reserve A Slot 


Image Credit: QiiQ




Single Session / accommodates 1 guest : 95 SGD

Telephone number

+65 66100700



45 Burghley Drive #01-13 Burghley Lifestyle Hub Singapore 559022