Please note that this is an overdue event

Delicious Expressions

Delicious Expressions

An Artsy + Yummy kind of scrabble game!


Integrate basic typography into your favorite foods and discover juicy expressions as you go. In this watercolor painting workshop, children will learn to use words and customize their own typefaces as an element in constructing their meal.

They will learn the art of spatial planning and overlapping shapes starting with visualization. They will also be guided to expand their language usage and weave in expressive words as well as sentences to convey the essence of the delicious meal they have created.

Literature and visual art can combine to form an artwork you can see and READ!

Support your child's creativity and they will approach problems with far greater imagination.

Register your interest here


Image Credit: Rush-Me-Not Art Studio





Telephone number

+65 6256 1449
+65 6254 7398



273 Thomson Road. Novena Gardens 03-02 Singapore 307644