Drop by to have a chat with Bernard anytime within the 1.5 hour period that he is stationed near the Wetland Centre.
You can learn fascinating information about the characteristics and behaviour of crocodiles and their neighbours as they go about their daily business.
Do bring along your binoculars, scope or a camera with a good zoom if you have them.
More info here
Image Credit: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
Telephone number
+65 6794 1401
Singapore301 Neo Tiew Crescent, Singapore 718925
How to get there?
- By Bus
Mondays to Saturdays
Board SMRT Bus 925 from Kranji MRT Station. Alight at Kranji Reservoir Carpark B. Walk across the road to the Visitor Centre.
Sundays and Public Holidays
Board SMRT Bus 925 from Kranji MRT Station. The bus stops at the Wetland Centre entrance. Please note that SMRT Bus 925 operates only from Woodlands Interchange on Sundays and Public Holidays.
- Kranji Express
Kranji Express operates daily starting from 8.30 am and ending at 5.45 pm from Kranji MRT Station
Parking lots are available near both entrances.