Please note that this is an overdue event

Deepavali Themed Drop-In Sessions

Deepavali Themed Drop-In Sessions

Deepavali Themed Drop-In Sessions 


What to expect 

Deepavali, The Festival of Light, is a wonderful occasion during the year providing rich inspiration to a wide range of learning experiences for children.

During this special event, the Blue House Infant & Toddler Ateliers will come to life with traditional scents representative of the festival, dress up clothes and an array of fabrics of different colours and textures.

Colour plays a huge part in the festival anв culture surrounding the occasion, and children will enjoy rangoli and coloured rice and paper providing opportunities for patterning.

Light is central to the experiences explored in our Blue House Infant & Toddler Ateliers and during Deepavali light is at the heart of the occasion. Both natural and artificial light form a huge part of the provocations and experiences we create for children  - light, dark, shadow, angels and the way light can change materials.

Books, music, video projection and songs will fill our Atelier spaces with the colour, vibrancy, energy and beauty of this wonderful celebration.  And feel free to dress-up, as our Blue House Atelier team will join in the colour and vibrancy of the celebration with traditional outfits and inspiration.


Image Credit: The Blue House Infant & Toddler Ateliers 




per child (1 accompanying adult): 25 SGD
per child (2 accompanying adults ): 40 SGD

Telephone number

+65 6462 6547


