The Observatory is one of the few in the world that is located next to the Equator
The Observatory is situated at the following geographical coordinates: 1.3342 deg N latitude, 103.7357 deg E longtitude, 15.27 m Height (m.s.l)
This unique position opens up more vistas in the sky and allows us to view constellations in both the northern and southern celestial hemispheres.
The Observatory is also endowed with a range of sophisticated facilities as well as a classroom for astronomy lessons, slide shows and public talks to enhance your stargazing experience:
The main telescope is a 40-cm Cassegrain reflector of combined focal length 520-cm.
Its sub-telescope is a 15-cm apochromatic Kepler refractor of focal length 180-cm.
The equatorial mount for the telescopes was designed with an accompanying English yoke to provide the necessary stability for the drive and tracking mechanisms.
The 5.5-metre stainless steel dome can be made to swivel in any direction and its shutter can be made to slide open to focus the telescope on interesting objects in the sky.
Other stargazing instruments include some portable telescopes and a smaller observation dome that houses our second largest telescope - an 11" telescope coupled with a 7" telescope. Both telescopes are Cassegrain reflectors.
*Due to limited capacity at the main telescope, visitors will need a Q card to view it. Q cards will be given from 7.30pm onwards at the registration counter, while stocks last.
Image Credit: The Observatory, Science Centre Singapore
+65 6425 2500
Singapore21 Jurong Town Hall Rd Jurong East, Singapore 609433
How to get there?
Nearest MRT: Jurong East (EW24/NS1)