Parent Information Session
Mindfulness – an awareness training that is increasing in popularity, but what is it exactly? How can it benefit our children – who are under more pressure than ever before – to stay calm, resilient and happy?
This Parents Information Session is part of our Resilient Child and Mindfulness programmes. In this 1.5 hours session, we will discuss what is Mindfulness, its benefits for children (and parents) as well as practicing some of the skills taught in these programmes. The session will end with a short discussion on how you can introduce mindfulness at home and daily activities, and support your child in the practice.
Note: This is not a Mindful-Parenting workshop.
To register: admin@theopencentre.com.sg
For parents
Telephone number
+65 6463 0291
Singapore100 Turf Club Road (Horse City) Singapore 287992
How to get there?
By Train:
Nearest MRT Station – Sixth Avenue
By Bus:
Take bus No. 174, 74, 151, 154, 157, 170,
Alight at “Opp Sixth Avenue Stn” Bus-stop number 42019 .
By Car:
Coming from Dunearn Road:
Once you turn into Turf Club Road, you will see a traffic light about 50 metres ahead ,
when you are at the traffic light, look to your right IMMEDIATELY.
You will see a shelter and an open carpark.
Coming from Vanda Link:
Once you turn right into Turf Club Road, make an IMMEDIATE sharp turn to your right again.
You will see a shelter and an open carpark.