The Polliwogs proudly presents, The Polliwogs Superheroes - An Eco Adventure!
Jointly produced by our esteem partner, ADAM KHOO LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES GROUP!
In the form of a role-playing adventure, your child will take on the role as The Superheroes of The Polliwogs and embark on a journey of discoveries about the wondrous workings of Mother Nature. With the guidance from Dr Woggles (the trainer), your child will be encouraged to find solutions to environmental issues that are happening around them through highly interactive games and activities.
In the process of investigation and problem-solving, your child will learn to make more responsible decisions to care for our environment! A unique S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) program not to be missed!
First 20 participants sign-up will be entitled to a:
- 10% discount (UP: $180, Early Bird Discount: $162)
- 4 Complimentary Admission Passes to The Polliwogs (worth $92!; can be used on school holidays & public holidays; valid till 31st December 2021)
Program Brochure
Register here
Image Credit: The Polliwogs
Telephone number
+65 6376 8097