Please note that this is an overdue event




The land for the living and the land for the dead. The faceless bureaucrat and the voiceless corpse. A mother who doesn’t want to move out of her home and a corpse who doesn’t want to move out of his grave.

A property agent who wants to move into a luxury sky villa and a civil servant who can speak to the dead. But it’s a fig tree that ties them all together. Until the faceless can hear and the voiceless can remember, the dead will remain restless and the living will remain rootless. What’s an exhumation when you have an en bloc lottery to live for? Rot in piece.

In the 2019 SOTA Theatre season ‘Family Matters’, Year 4 students explore the abridged adaptation of Boom and the connections playwright Jean Tay makes between the 99-year leasehold and 15-year bury-in policy in Singapore.

More details HERE.


Image Credit: The School of the Arts (SOTA)




Standard: 15 SGD
Student: 10 SGD
Senior Citizen/NSF: 12 SGD

Telephone number

+65 63389663



1 Zubir Said Drive, Administration Office #05-01, Singapore 227968