Visit the Faith Beauty Love Hope – Our Stories, Your ACM special exhibition on its closing weekend, then drop in to make your very own diary with a traditional woven binding.
Write or sketch personal reflections in your new diary about your experiences, and what left you feeling inspired.
Limited hourly slots for the craft room will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Singapore’s current Safe Distancing Measures (SDM) will be in effect. You will need to wear a face mask and remain in your personal group (max 5 pax). SDM subject to change.
Image Credit: Asian Civilisations Museum
Telephone number
+656332 7798
Singapore1 Empress Place Singapore River, South S179555
How to get there?
By public transport: The ACM is a 5-minute walk from Raffles Place MRT station (Exit H).
By car: Can be reached via a road behind Victoria Theatre and Concert Hall, off Fullerton Road near Anderson Bridge.
Parking: At the basement car park of the New Parliament House, at Six Battery Road and at One Fullerton across from the Fullerton Hotel.