A family oriented MOE registered Kindergarten away from city life!
A learning experience set in the serenity of nature surrounded by fruit trees, fish pond and beautiful flowers; a place away from the hustle & bustle of HDB & commercial traffic. Your child will experience academic & artistic creativity at its finest. Qualified teachers with years of experience will give personal care to your child’s needs & education.
Core Curriculum
- Language - Language, being the cornerstone of every education, plays a central role in this Kindergarten. It facilitates the development of basic conceptual, thinking and reasoning skills. Children will be encouraged and guided in the use of language by their dedicated and skilled educators. Natural and effortless command of the language is their goal. Their children will have opportunities to interact and communicate verbally with their peers and educators in an environment designed to be conducive towards learning. Children’s linguistic development will be enhanced through a series of combined stories, phonics and picture talk.
- Early Mathematics - They aim to introduce different mathematical concepts to the child through the use of interactive and foundation forming techniques, such as counting, sorting, matching, sequencing, comparing, ascending/descending order, types of measurement and the basic elements of mathematics (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).
- Early Science - They will adopt a more ‘hands on’ experience in their introduction to the world of the living sciences. This will enhance the learning process for the children and make science interesting. Children learn best through active playing experiences when given freedom to explore, experiment and make choices through carefully supervised work-play.
- Sharing Time - This will be a session for interaction where vital communication skills are developed. They recognize that talking often to and with the child is essential for this development as children will learn language through constant use. These half hour sessions encourage children to openly discuss, share and interact at all levels through verbal communication.
Creative Curriculum
- Arts and Crafts - Through arts and crafts, they allow children to express how they feel, think, and view the world. It is an outlet that allows children to convey their feelings and appreciate the beauty around them. It generates creativity and the imaginative thinking process by encouraging the children to experiment in art and craft.
- Music and Movement - Using music, they offer children another avenue of expression. They use music in their voices to communicate feelings. Teachers encourage self-expression through rhythmic activities giving children many opportunities to respond to music.
- Block Building - The block play is a perfect place for mathematical experiences. They are especially stimulating for learning math because of the real life examples of geometric shapes and solids. They have a wide range that offers age appropriate opportunities for creative construction. Social and emotional interactions among peers are the main highlights. Block play allows each child to practice in reasoning and logical thought and encourage decision making.
- Cooking - Cooking enables children to experience the world of food firsthand. Children learn how food is prepared and how it contributes to their health and well-being. The experience will offer them opportunities to experiment with food and to be creative while preparing nutritional snacks for themselves. Cooking is considered a “survival skill” that is basic to the education of all boys and girls.
Physical Curriculum
- Water and Sand Play - Water and sand play are a fun and natural method used in developing hand and eye co-ordination. It offers social and emotional development that allows the child to experience sharing opportunities and building up peer relationships. It is a definite therapeutic way of releasing the child’s tensions.
- Outdoor Play - With outdoor play they encourage children to explore this world and develop dexterity. Their activities which encourage physical exercise will instill a sense of self confidence and independence. Designed to enhance all areas of your child’s development, such programs are planned for at least thrice a week.
Credit: image of DaySpring Kindergarten
+65 6489 5489
Singapore11 Northshore Drive, Marina Country Club, #02-01, Singapore 828670