Have a fun and memorable time learning about the art of Tabla with Aliraza including its origins, playing techniques and the basics of its rhythmic construct (or ‘Taal’).
Tabla has a rich history dating back to the 13th Century and has seen its tonal quality and complex rhythmic patterns evolve under generations of revered performers and Teachers (‘Gurus’). Aliraza himself hails from such a lineage and looks he forward to sharing his journey with you on the amazing art of Tabla.
About Aliraza Mirajkar
Born in 2006, Aliraza Mirajkar hails from a proud lineage of musicians. He began playing the tabla from a tender age of 4 and was blessed to learn from his late Grandfather who was a legendary maestro, Ustad Mohammad Hanif Khan Mirajkar. Since 2010, Aliraza started learning from his father, Nawaz Mirajkar and has accompanied him in many performances and workshops together with the Temple of Fine Arts and Esplanade. In 2017, under the tutelage of his father, Aliraza was awarded First Place in the National Indian Music Competition organised by the National Arts Council of Singapore. Aliraza hopes to bring the art of playing the tabla to great heights while keeping the tradition alive.
Image Credit: Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay
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+65 6828 8377
SingaporeEsplanade Bay Room