Heguru Education Centre

Singapore's Most Awarded Children Brain Enrichment


What is Heguru Education?

Heguru Education was developed by the Heguru method learning centre in Japan over 30 years ago using extensive scientific research. It consists of programmes that are meant for early childhood education and right brain training for your baby, toddler or preschooler.
In particular, the effective Heguru method and curriculum focuses on the development of the right side of the brain. They have received positive reviews on Heguru method from Singapore parents.

Heguru's Children RIght Brain Education has 5 Purposes:

 1. Enlarging “Vessel” for the Brain

2. Drawing out Multiple Talents from the Children’s Personalities

3. Giving Children Self-Confidence and Exploiting Potential

4. Cultivating the Power of the Mind (EQ)

5. Harnessing Genuine Thinking Power

What is Right Brain Education?

The current educational system leaves very little room for right brain development. This can be very challenging for most children.
They start school and immediately face lessons that are meant for enhancing left brain functions such as speech and computation. 
Right brain training is aimed towards very young children in order to strengthen the important functions that are related to the right side of their brain which will greatly enhance their overall learning abilities.

Benefits of Heguru right brain development:

  • Photographic Memory
  • High-Speed Processing Ability
  • Sharp Analytical Thinking
  • Speed Numeracy
  • Strong Linguistics
  • Concept Comprehension
  • Mental Concentration
  • Spatial Recognition
  • Visual Imagination and Creativity
  • Positive and Strong Mentality


Image Credit: Heguru Education Centre 






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