新加坡华族舞蹈剧场(之前名为新加坡福建会馆舞蹈剧场,原为福建会馆文化艺术团属下的舞蹈团),成立于1989年。在创办人兼现任艺术总监林美琴老师和专业舞蹈导师的督导下,舞团已稳步发展,并茁壮成长。2013年4月荣获国家艺术理事会颁发的种子基金,并在福建会馆的鼎力支持下,在2014年成功转型为专业的华族舞蹈团体。2016年,舞蹈剧场继续荣获国家艺术理事会颁发的主要辅助计划拨款。2017年2月15日,正式改名为“新加坡华族舞蹈剧场”。 除了继承华族文化之根,保留华族舞蹈的传统特色,舞蹈剧场也秉持推陈出新的思想,随着时代的变迁注入新元素,让作品取得突破性的发展,并发挥传统艺术的倍数效应。 舞蹈剧场将竭尽全力,不断地创建平台以培育和熏陶年轻一代,提高他们对华族传统舞蹈的认识,并通过理论和实践的结合,为新加坡华族舞蹈界培养出更高水平的优质演员,从而带给观众更多惊喜,把华族舞蹈事业推向另一高峰!
Founded in 1989 by Artistic Director Madam Lim Moi Kim, the Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre (SCDT), previously known as the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Dance Theatre, was officially incorporated as a professional dance company in 2014 under the support of Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan. In recognition of its enduring efforts to the local arts scene, the company received the Seed Grant funding from the National Arts Council (NAC) in 2013. With this given affirmation, SCDT envisions itself to be a world-class dance company that epitomises the preservation and promotion of Chinese dance through artistic and creative excellence. Apart from producing innovative, original choreography and productions that remain relevant to our traditional roots, SCDT is also committed to developing Chinese dance as an accessible art form to the wider community by delivering a variety of dance education and outreach programmes. SCDT also recognises the need to nurture young, promising dancers to continue its preservation and promotion efforts. In early 2016, SCDT registered as a charity with Institution of a Public Character (IPC) status. The company was also honoured to receive the support of NAC under its Major Company Scheme in the same year.
外展及教育 Outreach and Education
新加坡华族舞蹈剧场自成立以来,舞蹈剧场积极推动华族舞蹈艺术的全民普及。舞蹈剧场外展及教育部门(外教部)也于2019 年 3 月 30 日,在新加坡荣誉国务资政吴作栋的见证下正式成立。
Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre's Outreach and Education (ONE) division plays an important role in our mission of promoting and preserving Chinese Dance in Singapore. On 30 March 2019, Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong officiated the formation of this division at our flagship outreach event, Under the BIG Tree.
Helmed by Madam Neo Jenny, SCDT is committed to raise the appreciation of Chinese dance by bringing Chinese dance into schools and local communities with its ONE programmes.
ONE programmes include performances, workshops, lecture-demonstrations, exhibitions, excursion to the company and training courses. These programmes are specially designed to expose and cultivate the interest in Chinese dance among the general public. At the same time, nurturing young, promising dancers to continue the development and promotion of Chinese dance in Singapore.
Image Credit: Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre
Opening hours
Tue–Fri 10:00–18:00, Sat–Sun 09:00–17:00.
+65 65899501
Singapore5 Sennett Road, Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Cultural Academy Block A, Unit 202, Singapore 466781