The Nanyang Technological Institute Alumni Association (NTIAA)

The Nanyang Technological Institute Alumni Association (NTIAA)

The NTU Alumni Club exists as a platform for the alumni to collaborate with each other and NTU and in doing so cultivate a lifelong relationship with alma mater


  • Provide opportunities for alumni and their families to connect with one another through social, cultural, and recreational activities.
  • Enrich the lives of alumni by providing opportunities for professional growth, personal development, and networking.
  • Shape and promote the stature of NTU by encouraging participation and contribution from alumni towards our alma mater.


Image Credit: The Nanyang Technological Institute Alumni Association (NTIAA)


+65 6777 1101



NTU Alumni Club Secretariat Office: NTU@one-north Campus 11 Slim Barracks Rise (Off North Buona Vista Road) Executive Centre #06-07 Singapore 138664